Parade FAQs

By completing and submitting a registration form, you agree to terms and conditions set forth in the 2024 Cops & Kids Findlay Halloween Parade Rules and Regulations and have the authority to submit the registration on behalf of the listed entrant.

Q: When is the 2024 Cops & Kids Halloween Parade?
A: The parade is at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.

Q: What is the parade route?
A: The parade route is the same as 2023. The parade begins at the intersection of South Main Street and 6th Street/Lake Cascades Parkway. The parade moves north on South Main Street and concludes at Lima Street. The official end of the parade is Lima Street. Parade entrants will be routed to East Lima Street or South Main Street (right hand lane/parking lane between Lima Street and Lincoln Street) to disband, tear-down and for youth to meet up with parents. Entrants need to follow the directions of Halloween Parade staff and volunteers to maintain a safe and secure exit from the parade route.
For more information on the parade route, please refer to the 2024 Cops & Kids Findlay Halloween Parade Route Map (available online 2 weeks before the parade).

Q: Is there anything I need to know before I register?
A: When you register, parade entrants are required to review and agree to the updated 2024 Cops & Kids Findlay Halloween Parade Rules and Regulations and the Safety Acknowledgement and Liability Waiver. These guidelines are in place to ensure the safety and security of all parade entrants, participants, volunteers, and spectators.

Q: Is there any reason the parade would be cancelled?
A: The parade will still take place in the event of rain or snow. If there are extreme weather conditions that may cause the delay or cancellation of the parade, local media outlets will be notified, and updates will be put on the parade website and social media.

Q: What are the rules about handing out candy?
A: Candy must only be distributed within the South Branch Solar Candy Drop Zone, which begins on Main Street and continues along the length of the parade route. Refer to the map for the exact boundaries. Additionally, no candy is to be handed out in the staging area. It is required that candy is handed to parade goers rather than thrown.

Q: Can we have a scary entry i.e. zombies, vampires, etc.?
A: This is a Halloween Parade, so a certain level of scariness and spookiness is expected and permitted. Please remember, however, that the parade is a family event and is held for the enjoyment of the youth in the community. Direct interaction with staff, participants, and spectators is prohibited i.e., do not walk up on someone with a fake chainsaw that makes noise. Any group found in violation may be asked to vacate the area or be removed from the parade. They will not be granted a refund and will not be allowed to participate in the next parade.

Q: Are there size restrictions for floats?
A: Floats can be no taller than 13 ft. 6 in.

Q: May baton twirlers use flaming batons?
A: Fire and other combustible or incendiary devices are prohibited from use in the staging area and along the parade route. Any group found in violation will be asked to vacate the area or be removed from the parade. They will not be granted a refund and will not be allowed to participate in the next parade.

Q: How do I register to be a parade volunteer?
A: Volunteers are integral to the success of the event, and we do not turn away any offers of assistance. There are many areas in which you can help with this year’s event. Please visit 2024 Cops & Kids Findlay Halloween Parade Volunteer Registration Form for more information.

Q: What do I do if I have additional questions?
A: If you do not see the answer to your questions in this FAQ or on the parade website, please let us know. Questions can be emailed to or you can call 833-LODGE20 (833-563-4320).