Rules & Regulations

By completing and submitting a registration form, you agree to terms and conditions set forth in the Cops & Kids Findlay Halloween Parade Rules and Regulations and have the authority to submit the registration on behalf of the listed entrant.

  1.  All the parade entrants must abide by directions given by the Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Event Staff for entry into the staging area and for dismissal to the parade route.

  2. Parade entrants assume full and complete responsibility for any personal injury and/or property damage that may be sustained or caused during their entrance into the staging area, while in the staging area, along the parade route, or exiting the parade route.

  3. Parade entrants will secure their own insurance and thereby release the Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Committee, event staff, and the volunteers from the loss, liability, or claims.

  4. Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Committee reserve the right to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or videos that may pertain to the parade entrants, include images, likeness and/or voice, without compensation or permission.

  5. Walkers may distribute candy and other items to the crowd but ONLY in the Candy Drop Zone. No candy is to be handed out in the staging area. Parade entries that distribute items should not do anything that would encourage spectators to enter the parade route. Candy and other items may not be thrown from the parade entries to spectators; they MUST be handed out directly and only to individuals along the parade route.

  6. Parade registrants are responsible for the safety of their group and for making sure that everyone is aware of the parade rules and regulations.

  7. Parade entrants must comply with the applicable local, state, and federal laws to ensure everyone’s safety.

  8. All entries must be decorated and are encouraged to have a Halloween theme.

  9. All entries are required to exhibit proper decorum and respectful family-oriented behavior in the staging area and along the parade route.

  10.  Derogatory messages, alcohol consumption, and questionable content displayed to spectators will not be tolerated. Interaction with staff, participants, or spectators, which may be construed as negative (i.e., scaring youth), is prohibited. Remember, this is a family-oriented event, so make sure your message and actions are appropriate for all audiences.

  11. Explosives, firearms, knives, and any other weapons (real or decorative) may not be used or displayed in any manner. Concealed weapons, even if approved by law or license, are not permitted. Exceptions include registered law enforcement, military and veterans’ groups; these entrants may use display/dress or unloaded items and need to seek and be granted permission from the Halloween Parade Committee. If this rule is a challenge for your parade entry, please contact the parade committee at

  12. Parade entries must remain moving during the entire route. Parade entries may not stop to perform, pass out candy/other items, or do anything that may lead to gaps or backing up of the parade. If a gap of greater than 25 feet is created, entrants need to increase their pace to close the gap and may be instructed to do so.

  13. Walkers accompanying vehicles/floats must walk beside the vehicle/float, NOT in front or behind the vehicle, and must not approach the vehicle while it’s in motion.

  14. Hanging off of a parade entry vehicle/float is not permitted.  All parade participants should use caution any time they are on, behind, or next to the vehicle/float.

  15. Parade entries with children under the age of 18 must also have parents or other adult chaperones riding/walking alongside.

  16. Drivers of vehicles in the parade areas must possess a valid driver’s license, be at least 18 years old, and possess all liability vehicle insurance. Drivers shall have full field of vision and may not be hidden or blocked. The maximum speed limit is five mph.

  17. In cooperation with the Findlay Fire Department, all floats must have a 5lb. ABC dry chemical commercial or residential fire extinguisher on the float at all times.

  18. The use of high-intensity sound-making devices is strongly discouraged. Volume of amplified must be at a reasonable level as determined by the Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Committee. All noise making must be turned off in the quiet zone.

  19. An escort must accompany mascots, clowns, and costumed characters participating in the parade for safety reasons. Mascots, clowns, and costumed characters must not draw into the parade route.

  20. Animals participating in the parade must be kept under control. If the animal cannot be controlled or presents any safety issue, please contact event staff to assist you in removing the animal from the staging area or parade route.

  21. Parade entries involving animals of any kind must provide their own immediate cleanup in the staging area and along the parade route.

  22. Due to limited space in the staging areas, Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Committee retains the right to refuse entry to specific areas when a safe lot capacity has been reached.

  23. Event staff retains the right to stage parade entries in a manner that provides for an entertaining, safe, and timely parade.

  24. Any entrant that violates these rules may be removed from the parade, without refund, and may be barred from participating in future Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids sponsored events.

  25. The Fort Findlay Fraternal Order of Police Foundation/Cops & Kids Halloween Parade Committee retains the right to refuse any participant for any reason, without refund.

  26. There is a QUIET ZONE at the end of the parade for our spectators with sensory challenges. Please turn off music, sirens and extreme lighting for this area. If handing out candy, be sure to keep enough candy for the participants in this area, as well.