Staging begins at 6:00 p.m. when the route is secured.
1. S. Main St. south of 6th St. to Fairlawn Pl. (approximately 35 units)
2. Lake Cascades Pkwy. From S. Main St. to Western Ave. (approximately 80 units)
3. Parking lot of Findlay Surgery Center – individuals who are walking in the parade can be dropped off in the parking lot.
No Parking on Main St. starts at 12:00 hrs., the rest at 5:00.
1. S. Main St. from Lima St. to McPherson Ave. (both sides of the street)
2. S. Main St. from Lima St. to Lincoln St. (north bound side only)
3. E. Lima St from S. Main St. to Washington Ave.
4. W. Lima St. from S. Main St. to S. West St.
5. East St. between E. Lima St. and E. Lincoln St.
6. Hancock St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
7. First St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
8. Second St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
9. Third St. from S. Main to first N/S alley
10. Glendale Ave. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
11. Greenlawn Ave. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
12. E. McPherson Ave. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
13. Seventh St. from S. Main St. to Washington Ave. (both sides of the street)
14. W. McPherson Ave. from S. Main St. to Douglas Pkwy.
15. Stadium Dr. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
16. Lime St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
17. Baldwin Ave. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
18. Locust St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
19.Elm St. from S. Main St. to first N/S alley
From 5:30-6:30 p.m., Findlay Police Department will assist with reasonable requests to get individuals to their residence (from S. Main St. to the first N/S alley of each side street along parade route and also homeowners along S. Main St.) These requests should be done at S. Main St. at Lima St. or S. Main St. at 6th St. so that access can be done easily and safely for everyone. Any requests after 6:30 p.m. will not be honored until the parade has concluded.
Washington Ave. and Maple Ave. will both be open for north/south vehicular traffic.
If you live on Main St. you can park on a side street and exit past the barricade.
Blue Lot: Staging on S. Main St. between 6th St./Lake Cascades Pkwy. and Pearl St. begins at 6:00 p.m.
Gold Lot: Staging on Lake Cascades Pkwy. between S. Main St. and N. Lake Dr. begins at 5:30 p.m.
Purple Lot: Staging on Lake Cascades Pkwy. between N. Lake Dr. and Western Ave. begins at 6:00 p.m.
Walking groups/individuals can be dropped off at the Findlay Surgery Center parking lot (off of Western Ave.)